By Dakota @PHAA | Sunday, April 22, 2018
It is our pleasure to announce at the Post AGM Meeting the following Appointments were made, congratulations to all and welcome.
The minutes from the AGM and Post AGM Meeting's will be displayed here within a week.
President - Steven Conn.
Vice President - Chris Burton
Past President - Nicole Steinberger
Company Secretary - To be decided.
Finance Director - Fred Burton.
Youth Portfolio - Sharon Marshall.
Amateur portfolio - Sharon Cameron
National Show 2019 - Steven Conn.
Non Traditional - To be decided.
Rules & Regulations - Nicole Steinberger
Futurities - Chris Burton.
Breed Improvement - Fred Burton and Chris Burton
Information services & publications - To be decided.
Points Chris Burton
Affiliates, To be decided.
Paint Horse Association of Australia Facebook page is a closed group for Paint Horse members only. Please feel free to discuss and post all things Paint Horse related but NO advertising within this group. All posts will be approved by Admin first. Any posts that are deemed unacceptable or of a bullying nature or discriminating will be deleted. This group is administered by PHAA office staff, all questions relating to this group can be sent to or contact 02 68845513